The Day That I Quit Caring.
As an entrepreneur, you start your business because you have a passion for doing something or a solution to a problem.
Whatever it is, we all have a reason for starting our business and trying to profit from it. What's the point in having a business if you won't make a profit, right?
There is so much more to business than just making money.
So much goes into the back end of it, and so much has to happen in a business before you even start seeing a profit.
A critical component that I had left out of my business was God.
I did whatever and whenever trying to make spaghetti stick to the wall!
I would get upset and frustrated when things didn't turn out how I wanted them to.
It got to the point where I wanted to give it all up. I told myself, "This is not for me."
I was planning to sell all of my stuff and quit.
I took a month off to regroup and talk to God. I wanted to ensure He was at the center of my business. After that month, I felt refreshed.
I was so refreshed that I decided it was time for me to quit.
I quit thinking every post I made would bring me a new client.
I quit thinking that every person who said they would refer me to somebody would do it or that the reference would turn into a client.
I quit worrying about the algorithm.
I quit worrying about how often I post or how many likes or comments I get.
I quit worrying about the number of people on my email list and focused on those who were.
I quit constantly checking my numbers.
Quitting was the best thing I could have done for myself and my business.
By quitting, I can focus on the real purpose of my business.
I thought about what my content would be, and I do not post every day. I post when I feel like posting.
Create content that resonates with your target audience and your business and tells people why they should choose your business.
Make your business stand out.
If you have two people on your email list, nurture those two people.
Quit focusing on the 75 people who viewed your landing page but still need to sign up for your email list.
Who cares?
You have two people on that list.
Those two people are there for a reason.
Turn those two people into clients.
Focus on the smaller picture, and the bigger picture will follow.
Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as legal, financial, or medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional advice of your own attorney, accountant, physician, or financial advisor. Always check with your own physician, attorney, financial advisor, accountant, or other business or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.