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Whose's Business Are You Working On?

Updated: Jun 14

Whose Business Are You Working On? You're probably thinking, "I'm working on my business, of course."

Are you, though?

I have a hard time promoting my business. I will promote someone else's business all day, every day! 

I will post, reshare, and tell everybody about it.

When it comes to my business, I get tight-lipped!

When I had my crafting business and made masks, my mom and I would be out, and we'd have a mask on.

We would get so many compliments on them. I would say, "Thank you."

My mom would look at me, then turn to the person and proclaim, "She made the mask!" People would ask me to make them one. My mom kept telling me, "You must speak up and tell people what you do."

I don't know if part of it was the imposter syndrome or just not thinking that I was good enough or what it was.

It finally hit me that I always put so much effort into everyone else's business.

I always give everyone else these ideas and tell them different things they should implement into their business.

I thought, "Why am I not doing these things in my business?" "I can do this."

When I started getting guest spots on podcasts, I always sent them to my mom and husband.

After she listened, my mom would call me and ask, "Why aren't you taking your advice?"

She kept telling me, "You've got to start working on your own business. It's great that you want to help people but talk about your business."

In the past few months, I have been doing better with promoting my business.

I listened to another podcast, and the host talked about promoting yourself. I thought, "That's what my mom keeps telling me. That's what I keep telling myself."

You have to be willing to promote yourself. If you are unwilling to promote yourself, you can't expect others to promote you.

If you're not willing to share your business on your Facebook page, why should someone else be willing to share or talk about your business?

Why should I expect somebody else to take me seriously if I'm not taking myself seriously?

You are your hype person.

If nobody else but you and God believe in your business, that is all that matters.

That's not being boastful or trying to throw shade. It's saying, "I have this business, I'm doing this thing, and I'm proud of myself; I believe in myself."

Because if you don't believe in yourself and can do it, how do you expect to get those clients or customers?

How are they supposed to believe in you if you're not showing that you believe in yourself?

Focus on your business and work on it just as much or more than you would on somebody else's.

Whose business are you working on? God's business or your business?

It should be God's business because He is the one who gives you these gifts and talents.

He's the one that's giving you this idea for your business.

How do you know if you're working on God's or your business? You don't always know the entire plan when working on God's business. Sometimes, you don't even know half of the plan.

You are just going out there and stepping out on faith.

And they always say, if you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plan.

You can have your business plan and everything written down, but guess what if it's not God's plan; It's not the right plan.

You can still plan or write things down. Once you write it down, you should pray and ask God if that's also His plan.

Many times, things will go in a completely different direction than you thought they would or expected.

When working on your business, you always follow the plan.

You do not welcome surprises; you do everything you can to stick to your plan and make it work because you think it's your business.

It's not.

If you're trying to make your plan work and you're like, nope, this is what I have planned, this is how it's going to go, then that's how you know you're not working on God's business.

Are you in business for the right reason?

Did you start your business because you wanted to get rich and have a lavish house, cars, and all the latest fashion?

Or did you start your business because you saw a problem and wanted to solve it? Because you want to make a difference and positively impact the world.

You're working on God's business if it's for the latter.

But if it's for the former, you're working on your own.

Of course, you want to make money in your business; that's what a business is supposed to do. Making money in a business takes time.

If your only reason for starting a business was to get rich and make money, you are going to be in for a world of disappointment, and you're going to want to give up way quicker.

If your sole purpose for starting a business was money, you don't have a why. There are going to be times when the money is not flowing in. What are you going to do during that time?

That's why you have to have a purpose, a reason, a problem that you're trying to solve. Someone that you're trying to help, something that you're trying to get accomplished.

When you're going through a slow season, your why will keep you going.

When you're working on your business, you may get all the riches, accolades, and praise, but it will not make a bit of difference if you're tired, burnt out, stressed out, annoyed, missing time with your family, and missing key moments in your children's lives.

When you work on God's business, you'll have the time you need with your family, the rest you need, and what you need to grow your business. It may take time, but it will come.

I'm speaking from experience.

I started my craft business because I wanted to sell tote bags. When that did not work, I started doing what everyone else was doing, which also did not work. I moved on to the next, and it still was not working. I could not figure out why everyone else succeeded, but I was not. 

I was working on my business and not working on God's business.

My why was to make money, and I wasn't making money.

There was no reason for me to keep going and keep doing it.

My current business started as a virtual assistant business because I wanted to make extra money. When the money did not flow, I got frustrated. 

When I rebranded, I got focused and found my why. 

I wrote out my why and wrote out the purpose of my business. Something I had not been able to do before. 

I have a vision for my business, and I also have God in my business.

Is my business where I want it to be, where I would like it to be, and where I'm praying for it to be?

No, it's not.

But I also see God working in my business.

I see things happening in my business. When I was doing my crafting business, I didn't see these things. I didn't feel these things coming.

Even when I started the virtual assistant business, I didn't feel these things.

Now that I am working on God's business, He has told me where to focus, where to exert effort, and where to do my work.

When he told me, I was like, "Really? That's what you want me to do?"

But I'm seeing it and starting to see some of His plans. I'm seeing what He wants me to see.

Whose business are you focused on?

Check out the episode below, for all of the details!

Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as legal, financial, or medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional advice of your own attorney, accountant, physician, or financial advisor. Always check with your own physician, attorney, financial advisor, accountant, or other business or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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